that girl谐音中文:哎k扑c英no
that girl谐音中文:哎k扑c英no
That Girl 在抖音上被一个中学生唱火了,很多网友都表示很想学,但是又不会英文,不知道怎么唱,其实没关系,下面就来看看小编为大家带来的来自抖音皇家翻译的thatgirl中文谐音歌词吧。
That Girl (那个女孩) - Olly Murs (奥利·莫尔斯)
Written by:Claude Kelly/Olly Murs/Steve Robson
There's a girl but I let her get away
It's all my fault cause pride got in the way
And I'd be lying if I said I was OK
About that girl the one I let get away
I keep saying no
This can't be the way we're supposed to be
I keep saying no
There's gotta be a way to get you close to me
Now I know you gotta
Speak up if you want somebody
Can't let him get away oh no
You don't wanna end up sorry
The way that I'm feeling everyday
No no no no
There's no hope for the broken heart
No no no no
There's no hope for the broken
There's a girl but I let her get away
It's my fault cause I said I needed space
I've been torturing myself night and day
About that girl the one I let get away
I keep saying no
This can't be the way we're supposed to be
I keep saying no
There's gotta be a way to get you
There's gotta be a way
To get you close to me
You gotta
Speak up if you want somebody
Can't let him get away oh no
You don't wanna end up sorry
The way that I'm feeling everyday
No no no no
There's no hope for the broken heart
No no no no
There's no hope for the broken
No home for me
No home cause I'm broken
No room to breathe
And I got no one to blame
No home for me
No home cause I'm broken
About that girl
The one I let get away
So you better
Speak up if you want somebody
You can't let him get away no no
You don't wanna end up sorry
The way that I'm feeling everyday
Don't you know
No no no no
There's no hope for the broken heart
Don't you know
No no no no
There's no hope for the broken
You don't wanna lose at love
It's only gonna hurt too much
I'm telling you
You don't wanna lose at love
It's only gonna hurt too much
I'm telling you
You don't wanna lose at love
Cause there's no hope for the broken heart
That girl
The one I let get away
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